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My Soul Speaks Truth Book Review

Yolanda Lanier-Pettiford

Does sexism, racism still exist in America, the land of the free?  Coney reveals, through poetry, that most people "don' eb'n 'no" the persistence of injustices in our society, especially in the African American community.  My Soul Speaks Truth is the first book by Bettye Stevens Coney.  It takes you on a poetic journey through the life and times of Coney experiences and observations.  It serves as a history lesson, view portal into the AA community, and gives inspiration by letting others know that they are not alone. 
Coney sections her book into several levels, each releasing truths about different situations in our society.  The first section Dignity not for sale depicts some trials that were and still are apparent in society.   These instances show how the human spirit can be hampered and the next section Hoops Hurdles, and Broad Jumps show how we as a community combated these issues and persevered.  The next two levels list different circumstances that plague, women, children and men individually and collectively.  For example, the Meeting Room, tells how white America colors AA actions by having preconceived notions, such as any sign of assertiveness is seen as aggressive and combative.  These heartfelt sections are followed with two uplifting passages.  Coney ends with the section called Holy Sprit Within.  This is a moving tribute to the higher power that can move you and propel society to the next level.  She also gives tribute the important people that have enriched Coney's life.
Coney brings Truth to your consciousness, and won't let you sugar coat and dismiss things that are amiss in this society as acceptable.  However, sometimes in trying to convey a point, Coney loses the attention of the audience.  Overall, it is a different and thought provoking method, through poetry, to tell an important and time critical story of our society imminent health and growth.
The Nubian Circle Book Club rating for My Soul Speaks Truth is 4.5 out of 5 stars. We welcome your comments and thoughts about this book review.  Please e-mail us at this address:

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