Nubian Circle Book Club

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Addicted Book Review

Phyllis Rhodes

Zoe Reynolds is a successful business woman, wife, mother, good friend and is addicted to sex.  Her husband delivers on an infrequent basis so she resorts to taking lovers to feed her habit.  Quickly things begin to escalate and get out of control and she seeks professional help.

Zane introduces us to Zoe's world via a series of flashbacks revealed through sessions with her psychiatrist.  We retrace her childhood and her lifelong romance with her parents and devoted husband, Jason.  She brings us to present day and explains her attraction to each of her lovers and her increasing guilt caused by cheating on her wonderful husband.

Like most addicts, Zoe tries to go cold turkey on her own, but fails.  With the help of her psychiatrist, she begins to heal and gain strength.  What she fails to realize is one of her lovers has developed a fatal attraction type persona and the proverbial "hell breaks loose".

This novel started slowly and gained momentum.  The book club was staunchly divided into two camps:  some hated it and felt the book was pornographic and vulgar; others loved it and felt the novel was suspenseful and erotic.  So the collective rating is 2.9 stars.  There was some very graphic language, profanity, and sex.  Looking beyond the intensity of the sex, this reviewer thought Zane's writing was average at best.  Although a work of fiction, our book club struggled with the clinical diagnosis of Zoe's affliction and the rationale behind it.  Nonetheless, the book provided a lively and spirited discussion for the club and we had a lot of fun with it.  Perhaps this is why it has been on Essence Magazine Best Seller list for nearly two years!

The Nubian Circle Book Club rating for Addicted is







3 out of 5 stars.  We welcome your comments and thoughts about this book review.  Please e-mail us at this address: 

December 31, 2002